We are a Kelowna-based fun Photography Club featuring speakers, photo reviews, sharing, teaching, learning, and outings. We meet 7 - 9 PM most Tuesdays, September to June. Two meetings per month are Zoom only where image evaluations and presentations are conducted. One meeting per month is an in-person learning session. For meetings and event details, check out our calendar. Clicking on an event will generate a popup that will provide further details as to meeting type and location. Our in-person meetings are held at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2091 Gordon Drive, Kelowna. Entrance is via the office door from the south parking lot.
The purpose of the Central Okanagan Photographic Society is to promote interest and proficiency in all phases of photography by:
- Encouraging members to produce more and better photographs.
- Providing instruction to assist members in improving their photographic capabilities.
- Providing opportunities for social contact between members.
- Arranging competitions and/or evaluations among members and/or between the Society and other photographic clubs.
A Very Brief History
- The Kelowna Camera Club was started around 1960 and the club was occasionally mentioned in local newspapers.
- Over the years there was interest in black and white prints, colour prints, slides and occasionally, movies.
- In 1990, the name of the Club was changed to the Central Okanagan Photographic Society.
- With the turn to the 21st century, interest in slides declined and interest in digital photography became more prominent.
- We have weekly meetings from September to June with monthly evaluations, reviews, workshops and speaker presentations. While following current government guidelines, we have resumed in-person meetings for some meetings and also broadcast these meetings via Zoom if appropriate. We use Zoom only for some meetings (remote speakers connecting via Zoom, for example). We have occasional outings following the current guidelines for prevention of COVID-19 spread.
Visitors are welcome to attend up to 2 regular meetings before joining the club. Some restrictions may apply for special event meetings. If you would like to attend a meeting as a guest, please contact our Membership Coordinator.
Ready to join? Please see the Join the Club page.
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